

Patient Resources

Here’s generally what to expect and what to bring to your first appointment with Victorian Urology

additional forms

Bladder Diary

SHIM score

Preparation for Appointment

What to expect

A comprehensive review of your current urological problem

Any further steps Any further steps - management, tests, referrals or surgery

Please remember to bring the following items with you

Rescheduling Appointments

If you have to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please call us at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. Payment will be required prior or on the day by either cash or credit/debit card. Your Medicare refund will be processed on the same day.

Do you have any questions?

Would you like to make an appointment?

Patient Resources

Here’s generally what to expect and what to bring to your first appointment with Victorian Urology

Bladder Diary

SHIM score