
Our Services


Kidney stones

Renal Calculi

are hard crystal and mineral deposits in the renal system They may affect men and women at all ages. 

They may be found incidentally or may be a source of:

Ureteroscopy and laser

Shock wave Lithotripsy


Double J stent


Kidney Tumours

Kidneys may develop growths called renal tumours. 

Some of those tumours can be benign and can be safely observed.

Others can be canserous tomours that will require removal either with Key hole or Open surgery.


Bladder Cancer

Blood in urine

Any blood in the urine (haematuria) is taken seriously. The presence of blood may be visible (macroscopic) or non-visible (microscopic) and requires further evaluation. All visible haematuria and high risk microscopic haematuria require an elaborate protocol called Haematuria Work up.

  1. Urine cytology (Looking for cancer cells in the urine
  2. Dedicated CT scan 
  3. Endoscopic bladder assessment (Flexible Cystoscopy)

Sometimes a bladder cancer is detected, and this needs to be excised by a procedure known as trans-urethral resection of bladder tumour (TURBT).




Lower urinary tract symptoms

Men and women of all ages may develop issues with urinating though our thier lives represented with 

This can be due to benign enlargement of the prostate in men or bladder dysfunction in both men and woman 

Managment options of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms

Each case will receive individulized managment plan trailored for each patient’s life style and preferances.

Urodynamic Study



Prostate cancer


Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, accounting for 30% of all new cancer diagnoses and over 13% of all male cancer deaths in Australia. 


Early prostate cancer carry no symptoms and the only way for early diagnosis and managment before this develop into an aggressive cancer is through PSA testing.


Some prostate cancers are considered low risk and observation through an active surveillance protocol can be safely used to optimise quality of life whilst ensuring the cancer remains indolent. 

Other more aggressive cancers may require surgery or radiotherapy. Since a variety of treatment options exist, it is crucial to tailor an individualised plan to each patient to best serve their needs.

Prostate Enlargment


Prostate Benign Hyperplasia (BPH) is enlargement of the prostate that affects most men over the age of 50. Some men develop bothersome urinary symptoms such as weak stream, incomplete emptying and having to pass urine more frequently day and waking up at night.


This can be managed with:


Radical Prostatatectomy

Prostate Enlargement

TURP (Trans-urethral resection of the prostate)

Prostate Enlargement

Prostate Ctomy


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Men's Health


Mr. Al-Shawi offers vasectomy under general anesthetic for patient’s comfort and best outcomes.

Sexual Health and Erectile Dysfunction